Eden Dales

Eden Dales


Professional Background:
Eden Dales is a distinguished registered social worker with over two decades of clinical experience. She holds a master’s degree in social work from Yeshiva University in New York City and is the owner and director of Eden Dales Social Work (EDSW) in Toronto, Ontario. Eden commenced her career during 9/11 supporting survivors of the world trade center attacks.

Eden specializes in post-trauma recovery and offers a wide range of therapeutic approaches, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Trauma-Informed Care. Her significant contributions include extensive work with individuals suffering from brain injuries, providing them with tailored rehabilitation and recovery programs. Eden developed expertise in grief and trauma with families as the NICU social worker at Sick Kids for over a decade.

Educational Contributions:
As an educator and presenter, Eden has shared her expertise on trauma-informed care at provincial, national, and international conferences. She has been involved in crucial projects such as the Gender-Based Violence Project and has provided essential training to organizations like the Consent and Capacity Board, Costi Agency, and the Brain Injury Society of Toronto. Eden developed a trauma informed care training program for the legal profession, accredited by the law society of Ontario, as well as one for regulators.

Brain Injury Expertise:
Eden has extensive experience working with individuals with brain injuries, contributing significantly to their rehabilitation and recovery through specialized therapeutic approaches and comprehensive support services. Eden has specialized knowledge and expertise in females recovering from concussion and brain injuries and has educated on this topic nationally and internationally.

Recognition and Community Impact:
Eden was honoured for her dedication and commitment to the Brain Injury Society of Toronto with the Volunteer of the Year Award in 2021. She is committed to fostering a trauma-informed approach within the community through workshops and training sessions on trauma recovery, emotional intelligence, and effective communication.

Why Vote for Eden:
Eden’s extensive experience, compassionate care, and dedication to advancing trauma-informed practices make her an exceptional candidate for the Health Care Provider of the Year award. Her work has significantly impacted her clients’ lives and has advanced the field of social work.

Support Eden Dales:
Join us in recognizing Eden’s remarkable contributions to the field of social work and trauma-informed care. Your vote will help honor her commitment and outstanding service to the community.

  • Heather Rosen M.Ed. says:

    Life long learner who provides excellent care to all her clients and delivers outstanding seminars on trauma and multiple additional clinical topics!
    Most empathetic and dedicated Health Care Provider!!

  • Michele Gold says:

    Eden is incredible and wholly deserves this recognition and award.

  • Steve Richmond says:

    You deserve this award

  • Colleen Boyce says:

    Congratulations Eden – apart from being a phenomenal therapist, you give so much back to the brain injury community, presentations / education on trauma and your tireless volunteering. Love working with you on the Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network Conference Planning committee.

  • Charissa Levy says:

    Eden is a passionate health care provider who works collaboratively with others, bringing her extensive experience to the clients she serves. She has volunteered her time in the brain injury community and has also presented in various forums/conferences on concussions and trauma-informed care. I am pleased to support her nomination for health care provider of the year.

  • Lonny Rosen says:

    Eden is incredibly deserving of this award for three reasons:
    1. Health Care Provider: Her compassionate, trauma-informed approach to psychotherapy has made her an industry leader and valued resource to clients and colleagues alike.
    2. Speaker and Teacher: Her deep knowledge of trauma-informed care coupled with a supportive, clear style of communication and ability to apply trauma-informed care to diverse situations (litigation, professional regulation, etc.) has made her a sought-after speaker and teacher.
    3. Volunteer: Her endless energy and longstanding commitment have resulted in a tremendous contribution to organizations such as the Brain Injury Society of Toronto and the Toronto Acquired Brain Injury Network Conference Planning Committee.

  • Elyse Sunshine says:

    Eden’s unwavering dedication to helping others, coupled with her incredible empathy, makes her a standout in the field of social work. Her expertise in trauma is invaluable. She is a fantastic educator. Eden is more than deserving of this award for her tireless efforts and the profound impact she has made on countless lives.

  • Lisa Freeman says:

    I am delighted to support Eden’s nomination for Health Care Provider of the Year. As a dedicated and compassionate social worker, she has demonstrated exceptional skill in supporting professionals facing investigations or disciplinary actions by their governing bodies. Eden is knowledgeable, responsive and collaborates effectively to support our mutual clients. I believe Eden deserves this recognition for her outstanding contributions to the field.

  • Nakema Walker says:

    Congratulations Eden on your well deserved nomination!! You’re a Gem! Your hard work and support for the industry highlights how amazing you are. You have my vote all the way!!!

  • John McIntyre says:

    Eden is one of a kind. She is leading the forefront of the change in healthcare (and in law) to be more trauma informed. I work for a law firm that practices primarily in healthcare law, and we’ve brought Eden in to teach us, and several other firms, about how we can be more trauma informed in our approach. Her course is innovative, engaging and helpful. And her passion is unmatched. I’ve had Eden work with one of my clients as well, with great success. When I think of healthcare provider of the year, I think of someone whose passion is infectious and who is making a broader impact on the healthcare system. That is Eden Dales and I am proud to know her.

  • Noel Rosen says:

    Eden has rapidly and deservedly become an expert in the field of trauma informed therapy. She was able to guide one of my patients from the depths of depression over the tragic loss of her husband to finally being able to compartmentalize and finally start to enjoy life again. This lady is eternally grateful!
    She is so very deserving of this award of recognition.

  • Terri LaFace says:

    Congratulation on a well deserved nomination!
    Eden, you are a “Human LIGHTHOUSE” , you’ve guided me through the darkness of “stormy seas of life” your light showed me how to navigate through the fog and severe storm, you were the light in the distance guiding me safely back to Harbor. Eden you are a symbol of strength, resilience, hope, awareness and security. You are a Beacon of light providing guidance for safe passage. You helped me see more clearly as well as guided me along a path to discovering a deeper meaning to life. Eden you were “MEANT TO BE” my LIGHTHOUSE in my storm So deeply grateful for all you do!!!

  • Jessica Szabo says:

    Eden is so deserving of this nomination and recognition. I have had the pleasure, with other health law lawyers, of learning from Eden about how to ensure we are taking a trauma informed approached to our work as lawyers. As a lawyer who specialises in mental health, addictions and work with Indigenous communities, this has been incredibly valuable for me. Eden is committed to leaving her community better than she found it and helping both patients and professionals do the same.

  • Maureen Palmer says:

    Congratulation son your nomination Eden- so well deserved!!

  • Nicole Galeotalanza says:

    Congratulations Eden on this well deserved nomination!! Your energy and passion for what you do, is what makes you so deserving on this recognition.

  • Katie Schinkel says:

    Congratulations Eden on your nomination, so very well deserved! You have given back so much to the brain injury community over the years, you are a such a strong advocate, social worker and educator – our community is incredibly lucky to have you!

  • Kindree Alkins says:

    This nomination is so well-deserved! Aden is such a pleasure to work and collaborate with! Her compassion and dedication to clients, families and her colleagues is noticed in every interaction! She is a creative and innovative Social Worker who is always thinking outside the box and investigating new approaches and ways to support her clients! She is a dire advocate for her clients. We are all so lucky to have her care, collaboration and insights! Thank you for all that you do, Eden!

  • Eden Dales says:

    I am so touched reading these comments. I value and appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to write about my work and my impact on clients and colleagues. Thank you kindly –
    I’ll cherish this forever.

  • Eden Dales says:

    I am so touched reading these comments. I value and appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to write about my work and my impact on clients and colleagues. Thank you kindly –
    I’ll cherish this forever.

  • Colleen Worsley says:

    Congratulations Eden, you have been a compassionate support to your clients, driven advocate and fundraiser, and an excellent colleague to learn and grow with.

  • Laura MacPhee says:

    Congratulations Eden on this well-deserved nomination. Working with you for nearly 15 years has shown me what advocacy, commitment, and passion look like. You combine expertise with creativity to make sure your clients feel safe, connected, and hopeful. Outside of your clinical practice, you champion your colleagues and help like-minded clinicians grow their skillsets. You selflessly give your time to support community initiatives that serve the brain injury community at large. Thank you for everything you do and GOOD LUCK!

  • Stacey Levine says:

    Congratulations Eden on this very well deserved nomination.

    You’re a leader in the field of Social Work and everyone benefits from your exceptional knowledge and skillset. I continue to grow as a therapist from your educational talks and guidance.

  • Aaron Palmer says:

    Congratulations Eden! Your hard work, compassion, and advocacy are truly inspiring. This recognition is truly well deserved.

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