


Invisible-Care Inc. offers remote attendant care services, utilizing a team of skilled support workers through our proprietary platform (OTTOPROMPT). Founded in September 2019 by an occupational therapist that saw a need for clients to access supports outside the traditional care model, Invisible-Care Inc. addresses the demand for intermittent care to support clients effectively that do not require hands on support.

Recognizing that activities of daily living are fluid across the day a model of care that is accessible throughout the entire day provides maximum support to the client. Intermittent care, characterized by periodic rather than constant provision, is particularly suited to clients experiencing cognitive and/or psycho-emotional challenges, necessitating cueing, coaxing, encouragement, reassurance, and emotional support rather than direct, hands-on supervision.

Invisible-Care Inc. is actively involved with the school of Occupational Therapy at McMaster University and committed to research on technology, rehabilitation and best practices.

Invisible-Care Inc. has been an active supporter of several brain injury associations and the brain injury community. Invisible-Care Inc.’s senior management are frequently sought after presenters on their research on Two-Way Reminder Systems to Support Activities of Daily Living for Adults with Cognitive Impairments.

  • McMaster OT Professor says:

    I am thrilled to have nominated Invisible-Care Inc. for Best Rehabilitation Company. Working with this team on both research and clinical practice has been a remarkable experience. Their innovative approach has already garnered numerous awards, addressing a critical gap in care for individuals with brain injuries and cognitive challenges. While the concept of cuing and prompting is not new, Invisible-Care Inc. has developed a groundbreaking tool that seamlessly integrates human care with advanced technology. Their ongoing collaboration with McMaster University on various projects further highlights their leadership and commitment to innovation in the rehabilitation space. Invisible-Care Inc. stands as a beacon of excellence, transforming lives and elevating the standard of care in our community.

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Thank you so much for the nomination and we look forward to the ongoing work with McMaster this fall. Our team is so excited to be part of the capstone project and continue working on AI and how we can streamline therapy and support services.

  • Carolyn M says:

    I heard about Invisible-Care Inc. through BIAPH and had the chance to speak directly with the owner. I immediately called my occupational therapist and requested to join this service! It changed everything for me. Having a “backup brain” with me all day relieved my anxiety about forgetting things, and I no longer needed a babysitter. IC gave me both support and independence! Best support ever!

  • Nabeel says:

    Only service I used after settlement. Congrats Kelli and team.

  • Lynette says:

    I’m thrilled for IC because I remember when it was just an idea being tossed around the office in response to client needs. It’s been incredible to see it come to life and evolve thanks to client feedback. Watching hundreds of clients embrace and benefit from this concept has been truly amazing. A big shoutout to Jennifer for her bold decision to enhance the lives of clients facing mental and cognitive challenges.

  • Dr. Hequazy says:

    An amazing service to support chronic pain clients with prompting to manage program adherence.

  • Jeanette B says:

    As a student OT, I had the privilege of being supervised by Jennifer, who proved to be an exceptional mentor. She truly understood the needs of the ABI community and demonstrated remarkable care, compassion, and clinical skill while working with some of the most challenging clients. It’s no surprise that Invisible-Care Inc. has achieved such success in addressing the needs of the brain injury community. I wholeheartedly endorse IC for filling a critical gap that no other service provider could. Congratulations to the entire IC team!

    • says:

      Students like you, Steph and Jill that continue to be part of my therapy career journey have been the highlight of my career!

  • John A says:

    Congrats ladies of IC and Kevin! Great service and even better people. Wish I had all the funds to keep this service going.

  • Sheryl Rothwell says:

    I’ve known Jennifer for more than 15 years and worked with her on numerous cases during my time as a case manager. Over a decade ago, she first mentioned this idea, and I’m so proud to see her bring it to life. Invisible-Care Inc truly deserves this award for offering a fresh and essential service to our community.

  • Matthew D says:

    What excites me greatly about being part of IC is because it offers the chance to make a direct impact on the rehabilitation and well-being of individuals with brain injuries. My deep passion lies in fostering independence, enhancing the quality of life, and advocating for holistic wellness among clients.

  • Heather says:

    Congratulations on this well-deserved award! As an occupational therapist, I am incredibly impressed with the concept of care at Invisible-Care Inc. However, it is the exceptional delivery by their team that truly sets them apart. In just five years, Invisible-Care Inc. has become my top choice for supporting my clients.

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Thank you Heather, it is the support of early adopters such as you and your team back in 2019 that really was such a positive force to get us going! Your support means the world!

  • Avni says:

    Kristen Hadley recommended this service to me and I am so grateful for the connection. IC is my second brain and support on the go! This is the most independent I have felt since my accident. Thank you IC

  • Adam Wright says:

    Incredible services and a wonderful team!

  • Mohammed says:

    I was initially skeptical about this service because I couldn’t see how it could help with my constant pain. However, the team approached me persistently but gently, and I began to notice improvements in my daily life. Just having someone available to talk to made a difference, and it was especially helpful when my team or in-person PSW wasn’t available. This service has been a game-changer for me—truly the best! Thank you so much!

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Mohammed, you are our favorite kind of client the one we can win over! Thank you for supporting us and sharing your story.

  • Uma says:

    I want to share about the InvisibleCare. They are really fast to answer when you text them. The people who help are very kind and make you feel better. They understand your problems and give good advice. I am happy with how quickly they reply and how well they help. If you need support, they are a great choice because they respond fast and offer good solutions.

  • Colleen Boyce says:

    Such innovation and incredible work Jennifer and the Invisible Care Team! It never ceases to amaze me how you keep on coming up with ideas and identifying gaps in the market. Congratulations and well done. Bayshore NRIO continue to recommend your services; especially for our discharged clients who continue to require access!

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Colleen, that truly means the world to me as you are an inspiration! I hope we can continue to collaborate with your exceptional team. Best of luck as it is an honor to be in the same category.

  • Barbara says:

    The great thing about this team is that their help is really kind and not pushy. They give just the right amount of reminders and support without making me feel overwhelmed. It’s like having a helpful friend who is always there for me, but not in my way all the time.

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Thank you for your support and we are so pleased the service was the right amount of prompting as that is always the learning curve as we build rapport.

  • Cas McKenna says:

    This team is excellent!!!If you have not worked with IC you need to try them! In 5 years they have become the leader in virtual care !

  • Madiha S says:

    As an OT new to MVA space, this team has been a great help and support for me and my clients. Wishing you all the best!

  • Bonnie Caldwell says:

    As a therapist working in a rural, hard-to-service area, I commend this innovative approach to client care. Congratulations to the entire team!!

  • Daniella H says:

    Many of you know my brother Tony. He can be difficult, but this is the only service where he feels happy and wants more help. He doesn’t call them babysitters or the “jail” and likes having some freedom but on demand support. Thank you for everything you do!

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Daniella, thank you and we are so honored to work with Tony. Plus, he is he only one that calls me Amo !

  • Lachance Donn says:

    This team provides outstanding care. I trust Invisible-Care Inc. with my clients because they communicate well with the community team and handle even challenging clients professionally. Congratulations to the team!

  • angie cunningham says:

    Congrats on your nomination! I know how hard you have all worked on your innovative program!

  • Nicole Galeotalanza says:

    Congratulations, Jennifer, and your team on this well-deserved nomination. Your innovative approach to this essential service, along with your collaboration with service providers, empowers clients to experience greater independence and an improved quality of life.

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Thank you so much Nicole, we love working with you even if they are the most challenging of challenging clients. Your efforts for a collaborative team make the files seem less difficult.

  • Debra Francis says:

    It is truly inspiring as an OT to witness the growth of an organization dedicated to best practices and innovation. The research conducted by Invisible-Care demonstrates exceptional quality. Congratulations!

  • Roberta Camisoo says:

    Thank you for a ABI support system that provides dignity!

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Roberta, thank you that word ” dignity” is everything. We appreciate you taking the time to share.

  • Michelle Mom to Jac says:

    My daughter Jac thrives in this program. Her ABI is invisible and she did not tolerate care givers in the home and community. She needs support but does not want to appear dependent on anyone as a young 30 year old. Amazing program for ABI to have independence.

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Michelle, clients like your daughter are the full reason for IC we are so happy to be part of her team.

  • Beverly Drakeford says:

    Wow, congrats Jennifer and team up against giants! Amazing what your small team has accomplished for the ABI community.

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Giants for sure, just so happy to be in the company of excellence. Thank you for your ongoing support.

  • Mike Langlois says:

    Invisible Care is the result of years of dedicated service to mental health and cognitive rehab! Jennifer was our OT and always creatively thinking how to better support us. This senior team saw a need and filled it. Meeting what was lacking
    In the community. My daughter needed this service back in 2010 but happy to see someone finally found a solution! Congratulations Jennifer !

    • Jennifer Carnegie says:

      Mike, thank you so much! It is connections to families ( that have lasted decades ) that keep me going. Danielle is one of the people that inspired IC and your ongoing support is appreciated.

  • Heather Connelly says:

    Like many other families we were looking for a solution for our adult son. I met Jennifer through BIAPH and Invisible Care was the best care solution for us as it was truly invisible allowing him to have support but not a person beside him all day. Congratulations Heather and John!

  • Jennifer Carnegie says:

    John and Heather, thank you so much for taking the time to support us.

  • Melanie Campos says:

    As an Occupational Therapist, I have observed that this service delivers compassionate and exceptional care to all of my clients. The extended hours of operation have proven to be invaluable, offering critical support beyond traditional business hours. This program comprehensively addresses the need for readily available, supportive cognitive assistance. As a result, many of my clients, who may be reluctant to contact a hotline or seek emergency services, are able to receive the necessary support for ongoing challenges related to brain injury, even when their situations are not deemed critical.

  • Aaron Palmer says:

    Congratulations to Invisible-Care on your well-deserved nomination. Your innovative approach has been instrumental in addressing the care needs of individuals with brain injury. This recognition is a testament to your impactful work in the brain injury community and dedication of your entire team.

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